
Essex Dental Design believes that a successful procedure requires planning and teamwork in order to achieve optimum results and ultimate patient satisfaction

We work with our clients to visualize the final result. Our aim is to meet the needs of the patient whilst delivering a first class service to both experienced and new participants in the implantology field.

We are happy to use any type of implant system as the diversity of the implant sector is ever growing. From case planning and diagnostics to stints and surgical guides through to the final restorations our laboratory is competent all in aspects of implantology.

Screw-retained implant restorations
have an advantage of predictable retrievability provided the implant is in the optimal position for location of the screw access hole.
Screw access hole in aesthetic areas may be undesirable. A good filling technique however may mask the access cavity fairly well. Should we ever need to remove the implant crown, the filling is removed and the implant restoration is simply unscrewed.
Large, full-arch implant reconstructions are best treated with screw retention. Retrieval of these restorations is far less traumatic to the patient (and far more predictable to the restorative dentist) than their cemented counterpart.

  •     Zirconia CAD CAM Implants crowns
  •     Zirconia CAD CAM implant bridges
  •     Procera® implant crowns
  •     PFM Implant crowns
  •     PFM Implant Bridges
  •     PFM Linked crown

Cement-retained implant restorations
eliminates un-aesthetic screw access holes. As implant crown margins are below gum level, cement removal becomes difficult and it can lead to soft tissue irritation. Chronic irritation from cement left behind can cause bone-loss and even implant failure. A radiograph at this stage is necessary to make sure all cement has been removed.
Hopefully the implant crown will never need to be removed. If there is a reason to, there may be considerable difficulty in retrieving the implant restoration and it may need to be destroyed if the cement seal cannot be broken.
Where the angle of placement of the implant, is not in the long axis of the replacement tooth, then cemented restorations will usually be the only option.

  •     Procera® CAD CAM implant crowns
  •     Procera® CAD CAM implant bridge abutments
  •     Procera® implant linked crowns
  •     PFM Implant crowns
  •     PFM Implant bridges
  •     PFM Linked crowns

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5 Brooke Road, GRAYS, Essex, RM17 5BU
Tel: 01375 390135


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